Wednesday 15 May 2013


I've really struggled with what my introductory post should look like. I mean what do you put in it?

I did carry out some extensive research on this (e.g google....pretty shameful) and most of the articles said:

Be yourself, write what you want to write, express your feelings and some more soppy stuff like that.

So instead I'll give a small introduction to my life as it stands now...

I've recently (I say recently, it was nearly a year ago) just graduated from the University of Abertay Dundee with a honours degree in Sociology. (oooooo fancy). For those of you who have no idea what Sociology is I'd suggest googling it as I could spend my whole blog explaining it.
(Graduation Day 2012)

I now live back in Fife with my parents and my younger brother James. You'll be hearing a lot about them in this blog with their crazy antics and habits. Plus, my BF (boyfriend) will be on the scene occasionally throughout.

I work for a project called LIFT OFF that aims to inspire young people to enter higher education. We do loads of fun things like running residentials and events in and out of school. However, explaining the ins and outs of what I do day to day could be quite boring. Here's a link if you want to know a bit more

Finally, this blog will be based on a number of things that I am currently interested in at the moment. I am a huge crafter finding myself continually addicted to pinterest and ebay. Santa recently bought me a sewing machine so I am working my way through a number of projects on this.

I love to create and make and I'll be posting some of my creations on here along with my commentary on life in general.

So come join me on my quest to writing a blog.

P.S I love pastel colours and anything flowery

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